- Name:
The name of the organization shall be the Maryland Society of Pathologists (hereafter referred to as “MSP”).
- Purpose:
MSP is a non-profit organization dedicated to advancing the field of pathology through education, research, advocacy, and support for pathologists and trainees. MSP aims to foster a collaborative professional environment, advocate for the interests of its members, and promote excellence in pathology practice.
- Eligibility:
Membership is open to licensed pathologists, pathology residents, fellows, medical students, and other professionals with a vested interest in the field of pathology.
- Categories of Membership:
- Maryland Pathologist: Licensed pathologists practicing or residing in Maryland.
- DC Pathologist: Licensed pathologists practicing or residing in Washington, D.C.
- Other Medical Professionals: Medical professionals in related fields supporting MSP’s mission.
- Maryland or DC Resident/Fellow Trainee: Residents and fellows training in pathology within Maryland or D.C.
- Out of State Pathologist: Licensed pathologists practicing outside of Maryland or D.C.
- Out of State Resident/Fellow Trainee: Residents and fellows training in pathology outside of Maryland or D.C.
- Emeritus/Retired: Retired pathologists who have made significant contributions to MSP.
- Maryland or DC Medical Student: Medical students in Maryland or D.C. with an interest in pathology.
- Dues:
Membership dues shall be set annually by the Board of Directors and must be paid by the due date to maintain good standing.
- Rights and Responsibilities:
- Maryland and DC Licensed Pathologists: Have voting rights, may hold office, and participate fully in all MSP activities.
- Non-Pathologist Medical Professionals, Supporting Members, Maryland or DC Resident/Fellow Trainees, Out of State Resident/Fellow Trainees, Emeritus/Retired members, and Maryland or DC Medical Students: May participate in MSP activities but do not have voting rights.
- Composition:
The Board of Directors shall consist of elected officers including the President, President-Elect, Treasurer and chairs of standing committees.
- Duties and Powers:
The Board shall manage the affairs of MSP, set strategic goals, oversee finances, approve budgets, and ensure compliance with all applicable laws and regulations.
- Meetings:
- Regular meetings of the Board shall be held at least quarterly. Special meetings may be called by the President or by a majority of Board members.
- A quorum for conducting business shall be a majority of Board members.
- Term of Office:
Board members shall serve a term of two years and may be re-elected for additional terms.
- Removal and Vacancies:
Any Board member may be removed for cause by a two-thirds vote of the Board. Vacancies shall be filled by a majority vote of the remaining Board members.
- Officers:
The officers of MSP shall be the President, President-Elect, Secretary, and Treasurer.
- Duties:
- President: Presides over all meetings, represents MSP in public affairs, and ensures the execution of MSP policies.
- President-Elect: Assists the President and assumes the President’s duties in their absence.
- Secretary: Keeps records of all meetings, manages correspondence, and maintains membership lists.
- Treasurer: Manages MSP’s finances, prepares annual budgets, and provides financial reports to the Board.
- Standing Committees:
MSP shall have the following standing committees, each chaired by a Board-appointed member:
- Advocacy Committee: Monitors legislative and regulatory matters affecting pathology.
- Education and Research Committee: Plans educational events, lectures, and research initiatives.
- Membership Committee: Recruits and retains members, and manages member engagement.
- Finance Committee: Assists the Treasurer in overseeing the financial health of MSP.
- Special Committees:
The Board may establish special committees as needed to address specific issues or projects.
- Annual Meeting:
MSP shall hold an annual meeting of members to elect officers, receive reports, and conduct other business.
- Special Meetings:
Special meetings may be called by the President, the Board of Directors, or upon request of 10% of the active members.
- Quorum:
A quorum for the transaction of business at any meeting shall be 20% of the active members.
- Fiscal Year:
The fiscal year of MSP shall begin on January 1 and end on December 31.
- Budget:
The Board shall approve an annual budget. All expenditures must be consistent with the approved budget unless otherwise authorized by the Board.
- Financial Oversight:
The Treasurer shall provide a financial report at each Board meeting and an annual report at the annual meeting of members. An independent audit or review may be conducted at the Board’s discretion.
- Amendments to By-Laws:
These by-laws may be amended by a two-thirds vote of the members present at any annual or special meeting, provided that notice of the proposed amendment has been given to all members at least 30 days prior to the meeting.
- Dissolution of MSP:
Upon dissolution of MSP, any remaining assets shall be distributed to one or more organizations with similar purposes that qualify as exempt under Section 501(c)(6) of the Internal Revenue Code.