Greg Horton

Gregory Horton, MD, is a board-certified Hematopathologist specializing in the diagnosis of hematologic malignancies and related disorders. With extensive experience in both clinical and translational research, Dr. [Your Name] contributes to advancing diagnostic accuracy and therapeutic insights within hematopathology. Their work focuses on integrating morphological, immunophenotypic, and molecular findings to enhance patient-specific treatment approaches and improve clinical outcomes.

Soft tissue/Adrenal gland

A male in his 60s presents with multiple nonspecific symptoms including abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, night sweats, etc. CT abdomen and pelvis shows a 1.6 cm enhancing peri-adrenal right nodule adjacent but not invading the IVC and liver edge. The right adrenal gland appears normal. He was followed up with excision of the mass.

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Bone and Soft Tissue

45 year old female with a history of a left lateral thigh mass. Ultrasound reveal a large heterogeneous mixed echogenic solid cystic hypoechoic lesion anterior to the left hip joint likely represents a large complex collection/hematoma. Possibility of a neoplastic lesion cannot be entirely excluded.

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A male patient in his 70s presents with non-radiating, sharp, right-sided lumbar pain. Computed tomography abdomen and pelvis showed mildly enhancing lesion in upper pole of right kidney measuring 4.6 cm x 3.1 cm and Computed tomography chest showed several osteolytic lesions and T10 compression fracture. He was followed up with a biopsy of renal mass.

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